03-28-2021 Sherwood Repeaters Bands: 10m, 6m, 2m, 1-1/2m, 70cm ;   D-Star: 2m,  70cm,  and  23cm The Sherwood site provides good   FM coverage over the Willamette Valley on five bands. The site  is a medium elevation location in the vicinity of Sherwood Oregon. The WORC D-Star equipment is also located here. The site has emergency power. FM Repeaters: 10m - 29.680 MHz Tx input frequency  29.580 tone  162.2Hz  output tone is also transmitted > 162.2 Hz  callsign KR7IS /R                    6m - 52.83 MHz - 1.7 offset input tone 107.2Hz output tone is also transmitted > 103.5 Hz- callsign KR7IS /R   2m - 145.47 MHz -0.600 offset input tone107.2Hz - callsign KR7IS /R   1.25m - 224.06MHz -1.6 offset input tone107.2Hz - callsign KR7IS /R   70cm - 443.425 MHZ +5.0 offset input tone 107.2 - callsign KR7IS /R   These repeaters all can access the WORC autopatch as well as the WORC EchoLink Node# 615620 and IRLP Node # 3429   These repeaters can be linked to each other and to the rest of the Western Oregon Radio Club System. The configuration of the linked system can be changed by users utilizing  DTMF control codes. These repeaters may be connected to the Evergreen Intertie System by users utilizing  DTMF control codes.  2m      -    146.6200 MHz   -0.600 offset     callsign  WB7DZG C, Voice  70cm   -    444.3125 MHz   +5.0 offset    callsign  WB7DZG B, Voice 23cm  -    1292.000 MHz   -20 MHz offset    callsign  WB7DZG A,  Voice 23cm  -   1248.750 MHz    simplex         callsign  WB7DZG A,  Data