Manning Repeaters
Bands: 2m,70cm
The Manning site provides good coverage over most of West Portland on two bands. The site is a medium
elevation site West of Portland.
The site has emergency power.
145.450 MHz.
-0.600 offset
CTCSS tone 107.2 Hz
callsign KJ7IY /R
442.400 MHz.
+5.000 offset
CTCSS tone 107.2 Hz
- callsign WB7DZG /R
These repeaters can access the WORC autopatch as well as the WORC Echolink Node # 615620 and
IRLP Node # 3429.
These repeaters can be linked to each other and to the rest of the Western Oregon Radio Club system.
The configuration of the linked system can be changed by users utilizing DTMF control codes. The 70cm
repeater is normally connected to the WORC local trunk to provide wide coverage on the UHF linked
These repeaters may be connected to the Evergreen Intertie System by users utilizing DTMF control
The two repeaters at Manning are
installed here as well as the
necessary controllers and RF
linking radio equipment.